Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Dark Knight

            The Dark Knight is the newest installment to the Batman franchise. It follows Batman Begins and show a distinctly different feeling. The use of color through the movie shows the difference between the two movies. We are treated to the new look of a clean and vibrant city. Of course, the Joker gives us a splash of color that entertains. Music is treated with respect and given a large role. It is used to accentuate the different parts of the movie. I am going to discuss the different parts of the movie while focusing of the director, music, and color.


The Dark Knight utilizes music to influence the emotions of the moviegoer. At the end of the movie the music takes a dramatic change. After talking with Gordon, the music makes me feel like Batman is becoming better. He takes on the risk of being blamed for death and destruction. The music starts out slow and builds into a full-blown melody with hard hitting drums. It heightens the sense of sacrifice. This is a stark contrast to the beginning of the film. The music here is simple and clean, this directs the viewer to follow what is happening between the different robbers. When the scenes change, there is a high note that gives us a sense of movement in the film. There is a constant ticking noise in the background that also gives us a feeling of movement. Whenever there is talking between the robbers, the music dies down so we can continue to watch the interactions.


            Chris Nolan directed both the Dark Knight and Batman Begins. He is known for his fast-paced and exciting films. But, I also find that he develops the characters throughout. He is actually very new director. He has been credited with 10 films, two of which were on your list for this week, Memento was the other film. He is known to do things like show parts from the ending of his films and introduce characters with their hands. Nolan seems to direct films that grey the line between good and evil. With the Dark Knight we have a vigilante that is waging war against the mob. Batman is doing good deeds, but he is also breaking the law constantly. In Memento, the main actor is unable to remember what has happened, so he is unable to approach situations with full knowledge and therefore cannot be held to a normal good and evil standard. Nolan is known for his inventive and complicated films. He has also revived a dead franchise with the Batman movies and is going after Superman next.


            The Dark Knight is known to be a dark movie. There are lots of dark scenes in the movie. The Joker however, brings a splash of color to the movie. With the green hair, white and red face, and the purple suit he is always in color. Even the string he uses in the beginning of the film is multi-colored. The dress of the Joker shows his disdain for the normal and is even offensive to most of the other characters. But, it also shows that he acts and thinks different and that is a key part of his character. Even the city is shown to be different. Batman Begins shows us a dark and sinister city. It mirrors the feeling of corruption. In the Dark Knight there is a more colorful and vibrant city. There are more shots in the full-on daylight. This displays that the city is becoming more clean and under law and order.

            The Dark Knight is one of my favorite films. It follows the feeling and tone established by Batman Begins. This is a new and fresh outlook on the series, and is long overdue. The director is known for his exciting and interesting films. He uses the characters to show that there is a grey line between good and evil. Sound and music give the movie a dramatic tone that amplifies the viewer’s experience. The splashes of color throughout the film highlight the Joker and the city. I believe the Dark Knight is Chris Nolan’s greatest achievement so far. I am looking forward to what he is going to do with the Superman revival.

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